Wisconsin Funeral Directors Association BYLAWS
Revised, July 26, 2023 ARTICLE I. NAME AND OBJECTSECTION 1. NAMEThis association shall be known as the Wisconsin Funeral Directors Association, Inc. (hereafter WFDA). SECTION 2. OBJECTThe WFDA in the public interest and for the enhancement of the profession will: Seek, create and adopt programs and policies to mark appropriately the passage of persons’ lives with dignity and proper ceremony and to meet the needs of those who survive. Strive continuously for excellence in the technical aspects of funeral service, seeking and implementing those methods and procedures required for proper care of the dead. Act and react aggressively to the demands of a changing society by educating and training funeral service professionals to perform their appropriate responsibilities during times of dying, death and bereavement with the highest principles and dignity. Research, write, publish and disseminate materials for its members and the public to further the above-mentioned goals. WFDA may establish subsidiary entities as it deems proper for the advancement and good of funeral service. Continue reading... |