1 CEU Cat 3
Rich Kizer & Georganne Bender, Consumer Anthropologists
The times they are a-changin’ and so are your customers. Each day you work with three very different tribes of consumers, each one with a very different approach to building relationships, trust and confidence.
During this presentation you’ll meet: Generation Z, the first fully digital generation of hyper connected multi-taskers who speak “slanguage” and don’t understand the concept of unplugging. Gen Z represents 40 percent of all consumers and they are changing how we do everything; the mercurial Millennials who hold $200 billion in annual buying power and rely on heavily on friends, blogs and social medias before making a purchase; and the 50+ ZOOMERS, a combination of the Baby Boomers and the Greatest Generation, who have morphed into one huge group of consumers with deep pockets and special needs they won’t admit, but you need to know.
11801 W. Silver Spring Drive, Suite 200
Milwaukee, WI 53225
(608) 256-1757 | FAX: (414) 464-0850
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