1 CEU Cat 1
Timothy McLoone,Licensed Funeral Director & Certified Celebrant, Joseph A. Fluehr III Funeral Home, Pennsylvania
Sara Murphy, PhD, CT, Death Educator and Certified Thanatologist. University of Rhode Island
The relationship between the LGBTQ+ community and the funeral services profession has historically been problematic, often due to stigma, oversight, and lack of education. Queer-identified persons who work within the profession and those who are clients frequently cite experiences of discrimination and exclusion as a result of their identities. This session will demystify queer identities; identify common experiences of exclusion; discuss the funeral profession’s past and present relationship with the LGBTQ+ community; and generate practical strategies to reach and serve more effectively queer-identified clients and staff. The presenters, working within different fields and professions, share a goal of ensuring that LGBTQ+ community members within the profession and those served by the profession are equally supported with inclusivity and protection from discrimination.
11801 W. Silver Spring Drive, Suite 200
Milwaukee, WI 53225
(608) 256-1757 | FAX: (414) 464-0850
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