Earn 3 CEU in Cat 2
Presented by Michael Sharkey
Attorney Sharkey will present an interactive and audience driven discussion of business and funeral service ethics. The presentation will begin with a history of ethics as a philosophical discipline. The group will then learn about business ethics and the differences between ethical behavior and legal behavior and that something can be legal but not ethical, or ethical but not legal. A discussion of AT&T’s decision regarding not hiring smokers and Turing Pharmaceuticals’ prices increases for Daraprim will be used to highlight business ethics. Then the group, lead by Atty Sharkey, will discuss ethical situations that Atty Sharkey has encountered while representing insurance companies, funeral homes, crematories, and cemeteries. The discussion will be had by way of Socratic Method so that the participants will have their ideas, opinions, and positions challenged by Atty Sharkey and other participants. The fact-pattern situations will be used to challenge and examine the current views of funeral directors who are confronted with modern ethical dilemmas.
11801 W. Silver Spring Drive, Suite 200
Milwaukee, WI 53225
(608) 256-1757 | FAX: (414) 464-0850
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